Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How Computer changed the meaning of words

15 years ago let us have a look at how the world was

A program was nothing but a televisoin show

An application was one which you put for vacancy

Windows were something you had to clean often and close when it is raining.

A keyboard was used mainly for harmonium and piano.

Memory was something that became crap as one grows old.

If you unzipped in public you went to jail or attracted people of the opposite sex.

Compress was something which you did to pack the luggages.

A hard drive was a trip,a long trip

Log was something related to wooden trunks.

copying was related to exams
cut was related to scissors.
paste was related to glue.

virus is an infection.
web is a spider's home.
chat was always related to tea time,classes.
mail was related to the postal department.
refresh was what one did with various energy drinks.
BUT TODAY ........

today is the yesterday u all dreamt about.remember yesterday is a history,tommorrow a mystery,today is a present-that is why it is called the present!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like dis dreams, history n mystery.....